Îţi suntem alături pe termen lung. Astfel, lucrezi cu noi lunar şi poţi apela la noi lunar pentru orice ai nevoie în legatură cu site-ul tău şi cu promovarea acestuia.
Nu suntem o simplă agenţie de webdesign. Echipa noastră este formată atât din programatori, graficieni, cât şi din consultanţi în marketing certificaţi, copywriteri şi specialişti în dezvoltare. În acest fel, beneficiezi de experienţa şi cunoştinţele care îţi pot aduce succes în afacere.
Beneficiezi de servicii integrate, de la crearea de texte la grafică, de la branding la programare, de la crearea strategiei de marketing la implementarea acesteia.
Ne ocupăm de toate aspectele necesare creării unui website, de la achiziţia domeniului la crearea siteului, de la găzduirea lui la mentenanţa lunară, de la back up periodic la securizarea lui.
Identifying together with you the goals that the website must meet;
Studying the market and the consumers targeted by your business, as well as the competition;
Proposing the website structure, its content and the functionalities that the website must have;
Creating a remarkable design and content for your website;
Together with you, establishing the final form of the website;
Taking care of creating a responsive website that will adapt to all types of devices used for surfing the Internet; Implementing SEO actions on the website, so that it is optimized and easily indexed by search engines;
Testing the website both from a technical point of view and from the point of view of the experience that users will have;
Organizing a training session with you and your employees to teach you how to use the website administration module;
Providing you with ongoing support and consulting.
Only The Markers specialists will offer you a website creation service with all the integrated actions: from the creation of the necessary texts necesare to the creation of the graphic elements,from the technical programming to the integration with the current marketing tools and to the creation of an effective marketing strategy.
Update-uri periodice cu noi funcţionalităţi şi beneficii
Updatăm ori de câte ori este nevoie fiecare website cu noile funcţionalităţi necesare evoluţiei pieţei.
Mentenanţă şi intervenţie în site ori de câte ori e nevoie
Asigurăm mentenanţă lunară de care orice site are nevoie.
Suport prin servicii de: creaţie grafică, copywriting,
marketing online
Oferim suport partenerilor noştri prin servicii de creaţie grafică, copywriting, strategii şi implementări
de acţiuni de marketing online.
Securitate asupra site-ului şi datelor tale
Ne ocupăm în continuu de securizarea informaţiilor, a datelor şi a site-urilor partenerilor noştri.
Servicii integrate: de la hosting, la acţiuni de marketing online
Beneficiezi de servicii integrate, de la crearea de texte la grafică, de la branding la programare, de la
crearea strategiei de marketing la implementarea acesteia.
We provide you with experienced web designers, who are constantly adapting to the consumers’ requirements, who believe in the power of originality and who will consult with you to obtain the best and most remarkable ideas.
Am creat de la zero si am imbunatatit pana acum site-urile a peste 250 de companii, iar rezultatele au fost vizibile de fiecare data.
We understand the need to interact with internet users, which is why we think of websites in a way adapted to these requirements and standards.
More than creating a website, we take care to create valuable content and we carry out blog integrations.
We have a whole database of blogs and websites on which your articles can find a place of honour. We take care of the integration of social media pages within the website and the correlation of the activities in the two spheres.
Thus, we perform market analysis and research every time, and the proposed strategies will be adapted to the objectives and positioning of your business.
At the same time, we know how important it is for your customers to find a user-friendly environment on the website, so the solutions we propose will always make you visible, original, attractive and pleasant.
We will offer you specialized consultancy whenever you need it, both before, during and after the website creation.
We offer you complete support and web design services, both for the website creation service, with the necessary texts, as well as for the website’s subsequent promotion.
Peste 10 ani experienta in livrarea de servicii de webdesign si creare site complete
Peste 245 de clienti in portofoliul nostru din peste 50 de domenii
For which we delivered website creation services
BookLand Romania2024-07-01O echipa de profesionisti de top & oameni inimosi, care ne-au stat alaturi cu sfaturi, recomandari si toata experienta lor. Multumim mult, The Markers! Suntem recunoscatori sa va avem alaturi ca partener al misiunii noastre educationale in scolile din mediul rural. Si bucurosi de colaborare! You’ve left your mark on us ❤
Pavel Iachim2024-05-08Serviciile oferite de echipa The Makers sunt de cea mai inalta calitate si solutiile pe care le ofera sunt moderne si actuale, care in final aduc si rezultate bune!
Cristina Badescu2023-07-28O echipa tanara, dinamica, entuziasta!
Gabriela Munteanu2023-07-27O echipa super profesionista, dinamica, proactiva si prompta. Sunt extrem de rigurosi si disciplinati in executarea solicitarilor si au o atitudine pro client. Sunt parteneri de incredere si Invatam impreuna, noi din tainele si oportunitatile zonei de digital marketing si ei despre particularitatile businessului nostru. Vin cu solutii concrete, in pasi, cu bugete si termene clare. Recomandam cu toata increderea!
PCR NORD2023-07-26Felicitari !! In cei aproximativ 5 ani de colaborare, totul ireprosabil! Recomandam cu incredere !!
Costin Emanuel2023-07-26Am lucrat site-ul cu ei si totul a fost mai mult decat bine: de la a la z, m-au asistat in toate directiile necesare pentru a putea avea site-ul gata.
Padurean Alexandra2023-07-26O echipa super,disponibili pentru orice provocare.
Maco Prodimpex S.R.L2023-07-26I-am ales dintre mai multe firme de publicitate online si consider ca decizia de a lucra cu ei a fost una excelenta. Colaboram cu succes de cativa ani, deja.
We always respond to emails, phone calls and we visit you whenever needed.
We always speak our client’s language, we are transparent and open to communication.
We always speak our client’s language, we are transparent and open to communication
All our partners benefit from a free performance audit for their site (Conversion Rate Optimization) that aims at enhancing the user experience and the success rates.
Designed and powered by The Markers – agentie de marketing online full service | © 2024 All rights reserved