
We think it’s bets to let our partners share the experiences they had working with our team. Reading them will help you decide whether you think we are the right choice for your business!

S.C. The Markers Consult S.R.L. a asigurat începând cu luna octombrie 2012, proiectarea și actualizarea constantă, pe o durată de 28 de luni, a websiteului destinat promovării ariei naturale protejate, a cărei custodie o deținem. Colaborarea cu S.C. The Markers Consult S.R.L. a reprezentat pentru asociația noastră o experiență deosebită de care încă ne bucurăm, aceasta oferindu-ne servicii profesioniste. Produsul personalizat rezultat, prin care s-a dorit asigurarea unei imagini complete și diseminarea de informații legate de o zonă declarată sit de importanță comunitară, este de calitatea așteptată. Reprezentanții firmei au oferit soluții tehnice și estetice pentru crearea websiteului, comunicativitatea, seriozitatea și politețea acestora determinându-ne să recomandăm S.C. The Markers Consult S.R.L. ca fiind un colaborator de încredere, capabil să satisfacă cele mai exigente cerințe din domeniu.

Vasile BĂDILAȘ, Director executiv Geo Diversitate

Colaborarea cu The Markers a inceput cu jumatate de an in urma, atunci cand am decis ca trebuie sa ducem clinica AtleticoKinetic la un alt nivel. Aici am gasit specialisti bine pregatiti, iar rezultatele s-au observat inca din prima luna de activitate. Pe langa performantele care sunt in continua crestere, membrii echipei The Markers ne ajuta sa anticipam, planificam si controlam precis fiecare detaliu de imagine si actiune de promovare. Momentan, acest parteneriat include servicii SEO, promovare Google Ads, webdesign si mentenanta a site-ului. Ii recomandam pentru seriozitate, implicare, know-how, eficienta in comunicare si, foarte important, pentru faptul ca fiecare sugestie si actiune implementata vin insotite de explicatii clare si exemple de buna practica.

Ionut Patenteu AtleticoKinetic

Colaboram cu echipa The Markers de 5 ani, timp in care ne-au inteles si adresat fiecare necesitate de marketing. Pe langa servicii SEO si Google Ads performante si eficiente, aici am gasit o echipa tanara, implicata si proactiva, echipa care a generat rezultate foarte bune intr-un domeniu extrem de competitiv – cel al materialelor de constructii. De aceea, ii recomandam cu incredere atat pentru seriozitatea si eficienta de care dau dovada, cat si pentru comunicarea precisa si implicarea totala de care ne bucuram in fiecare luna.

Ionut Barbu Construiesti.Com

The Markers has been involved with the online marketing activities of Accent Bijuterii from the very first day the company started being active in this environment. We thank the specialists and consultants from The Markers Consult for the fact that, alongside the implementation, optimisation and administration of the marketing campaigns, they always come up with new ideas, new market perspectives, ideas which add to our company’s market image and increase the sales we generate!

Adrian Alexandru Online Sales Director, Accent Bijuterii/ CAFELIM.RO

We are constantly benefitting from the The Markers services in many marketing projects and we will definitely continue our collaboration. They constantly share with us their results, they communicate efficiently and very openly with us, they always come up with new ideas, we have a clear understanding of the development of our promotion activity and they have a clear grasp on the newest trends. We recommend them – they’re a young, hardworking and goal-oriented team of proactive professionals.

Cristina Udateanu Marketing Director, The APT Group of Companies

Our first collaboration with The Markers was two years ago. Here we found a team of proactive and dedicated professionals, who quickly and accurately understood the specifics of our activity and translated it into a highly successful project. Naturally, we wanted The Markers to handle our second project as well, a challenge for us and for them alike. We chose them as partners in this new endeavour because they welcome bold ideas, have a keen understanding of nuances and alternative solutions to implement these ideas.

Lucian Bagherea plement these ideas. - Mariana Vaida,

Our first collaboration with The Markers was two years ago. Here we found a team of proactive and dedicated professionals, who quickly and accurately understood the specifics of our activity and translated it into a highly successful project. Naturally, we wanted The Markers to handle our second project as well, a challenge for us and for them alike. We chose them as partners in this new endeavour because they welcome bold ideas, have a keen understanding of nuances and alternative solutions to implement these ideas.

Mariana Vaida General Manager, BIA Human Resources

After The Markers finished the audit on my website, we decided to begin our collaboration for the enhancing of organic traffic on the website through SEO-type services. Over one year later, I can say that the results of our collaboration are clearly visible and continue to grow every month, which is reflected in the online shop sales. I very much appreciate their availability and especially their involvement in every marketing strategy I employ. I always count on their feedback.

Adrian Alexandru Online Sales Director, Accent Bijuterii/ CAFELIM.RO

Lucram cu The Markers din momentul in care am dat drumul brandului nostru pe piata. Am gasit la ei o echipa de profesionisti care cauta mereu solutii pentru a eficientiza campaniile implementate, pentru a ne ajuta sa ne crestem business-ul. Am apelat la ei pentru campanii Google Ads, dar am primit non stop consultanta in vederea site-ului nostru sau in vederea abordarii pe care o avem fata de potentialii nostri clienti. Noi vom continua sa lucram cu ei si ii vom recomanda ori de cate ori vom avea ocazia.

Costin Ursu Managing Partner, ZOOM Rent

We’ve been working with The Markers since 2016 for everything regarding our branding and communication activities. They have always pleasantly surprised us with their promptness, reliability, flexibility in coming up with ideas adapted to our needs and wishes. We will continue working with them and recommending them as reliable partners to all the companies in the VIG group and outside it.

Edip Amet, COO Claim Expert, Part of Vienna Insurance Group

When we first reached out to The Markers for their digital promotion services, our status in the online environment looked nothing like the one we now have. We began by Google AdWords campaigns, continued with the change in our website and its optimisation in search engines and now we have numerous requests from them. We are happy to call The Markers team our partners and we feel they do, too. They made us better understand what our online presence entails, how it should be approached and taken advantage of and together we are launching more and more actions whose results never disappoint. We are growing alongside them, with their help. And, perhaps most importantly, we trust their ideas, their knowledge, their opinions. We recommend them now as confidently as ever!

Mihai Alen Proca, Director General General Manager Cria Soft

Inainte ca The Markers sa imi preia site-ul, eram pe pagina 7 la cautari pe Google. Practic, site-ul era aproape inexistent din punct de vedere al promovarii SEO. Dupa doar cateva luni, aparem pe prima pagina, iar vizualizările au crescut considerabil. Pe langa asta, de cate ori am avut o problema sau o intrebare, mi s-a raspuns in maximum cateva ore, ceea ce apreciez foarte mult. Pe scurt, sunt foarte multumita de colaborarea cu ei si ii voi recomanda de cate ori voi avea ocazia.

Andreea Alexandru, Administrator Centrul de Meditatii Capri

I’ve been working with The Markers since 2017 and I can already say they are part of my team. We have a very good communication and they always understand my new directions of development and come up with well thought-out strategies that never fail to deliver. I recommend The Markers for any projects you may wish to promote online.

Laurentiu Dicu, CEO CEO Eastlines LTD

Firma de Conta has chosen The Markers company as main collaborators for the development of growth, branding and marketing strategies. The decision turned out to be the best one since The Markers team became totally involved in the establishing of strategies and in the launching and supervising direct marketing campaigns. As a result, our company has a new identity, one that is adapted and targeted to customers, and, following the marketing campaigns they have helped us create, we have also increased our portfolio. For all of these reasons, we have decided to continue our collaboration with The Markers.

Alin Vlad, Director General General Manager, Firma de Conta

Cand am inceput colaborarea cu The Markers nu aveam un plan clar de comunicare pentru proiectul meu. M-au ajutat sa trasez niste directii, mi-au propus mai multe moduri de abordare si incepand din acel moment le-am dat mana libera. Nu regret nicio secunda ca am facut asta, pentru ca au vazut potentialul Repara Acasa mai bine chiar decat mine, pe alocuri. Inca din primele saptamani de colaborare a inceput sa sune telefonul constant. Aproape ca nu-mi venea sa cred… In alta ordine de idei, am recomandat si voi recomanda in continuare aceasta echipa de profesionisti, pentru ca sunt pasionati de ceea ce fac, iar asta se vede!

Bogdan Mascas Raru, Director General Frigotehnics

The Keez project has been a great challenge for me, but, as the same time I believed in it and fought hard for it. The Markers? Most likely it was a challenge for them as well, but they certainly fought for the beautiful blooming of this idea, alongside myself. They have the necessary know-how, while being very approachable and communicative as well. They have helped us with certain projects, but they always made sure to tell us when we should stop, so as not to blunder anything.

Daniel Mateescu, CEO Ceo Keez

Ever since I contacted The Markers team, they have convinced us with the know-how, patience and transparency they had in helping us better understand what the online marketing activities they proposed entailed. From that point on, nothing has changed, it even got a bit better. I wholeheartedly recommend them, both for individual projects as well as promotion on an indefinite period. It is worth working with a young, creative team that is full of fresh ideas and well-thought-out strategies, that is, above all, goal-oriented.

Madalina Stoica, Director Marketing Marketing Director, Lesaffre Romania & The Republic of Moldova

Lucrand cu Alex si Echipa The Markers, Claudia, Madalina, Tudor si Mihai, a fost inca de la inceput o placere. Din timpul primei intalniri de descoperire, am gasit in Echipa lor, un amalgam de cunostinte si competente, Alex in zona de business si management, Claudia in promovare in online, Mihai prin adwords, Madalina creand povesti in jurul brandului, Tudor pregatit tehnic sa sustina orice le-am cerut, de la implementare de website pana la consultanta in promovare eficienta. The Markers sunt acum consultantii nostri de marketing de casa, folosim serviciile lor in tot ce inseamna business-ul nostru, de la creare de continut, la executie adwords, pana la consultanta in noi idei pe care le avem in business-uri conexe.

Mihai Arsene, Managing Director World Phoning Group

Firma de Conta has chosen The Markers company as main collaborators for the development of growth, branding and marketing strategies. The decision turned out to be the best one since The Markers team became totally involved in the establishing of strategies and in the launching and supervising direct marketing campaigns. As a result, our company has a new identity, one that is adapted and targeted to customers, and, following the marketing campaigns they have helped us create, we have also increased our portfolio. For all of these reasons, we have decided to continue our collaboration with The Markers.

Alin Vlad Director General General Manager, Firma de Conta

Eram in cautarea unui partener pentru servicii de grafica si am gasit firma The Markers pe internet. Primul lucru care mi-a dat incredere sa ii contactez a fost modul impecabil in care se prezinta prin website-ul lor. Apoi, am fost incantata de promptitudinea, deschiderea si seriozitatea lor de la prima cerere de oferta pe care le-am inaintat-o. Apreciez implicarea lor in fiecare proiect, apreciez creativitatea cu care ma uimesc de fiecare data si usurinta cu care comunicam si inteleg toate cerintele noastre. Felicitari pentru tot ceea ce faceti si mult succes in tot ce va propuneti! Recomand The Markers cu toata increderea!

Cristina Trifu, Director Marketing Reynaers

Colaborarea cu The Markers a pornit cu dreptul. Inca de cand i-am vazut intrand la noi in birou, ne-am dat seama ca putem avea o colaborare fericita cu ei. Au fost capabili sa ne ofere o serie de informatii specifice domeniului, cu zambetul pe buze si intr-o maniera foarte prietenoasa. Acest lucru nu s-a schimbat pe parcurs si ceea ce apreciem cu adevarat si ne place la The Markers sunt, de fapt, oamenii din spatele brandului: profesionisti, orientati spre rezultate, creativi, integri si, nu in ultimul rand, comunicativi si veseli. E o placere sa lucrezi cu ei!

Pamela Pusca, Brand Manager Vassilias

Ever since I contacted The Markers team, they have convinced us with the know-how, patience and transparency they had in helping us better understand what the online marketing activities they proposed entailed. From that point on, nothing has changed, it even got a bit better. I wholeheartedly recommend them, both for individual projects as well as promotion on an indefinite period. It is worth working with a young, creative team that is full of fresh ideas and well-thought-out strategies, that is, above all, goal-oriented.

Madalina Stoica, Director Marketing Marketing Director, Lesaffre Romania & The Republic of Moldova

I have found in The Markers team the professionals I needed. They understood my business and promotion needs and our collaboration went really smoothly and had results in the first month. They have quickly gained my trust and I am very pleased with our collaboration.

Dan Rebenciuc, Director Vanzari Sales Director, TIS Romania

O echipa creativa, prompta si minunata cu servicii profesioniste care ii recomanda! Si noi ii recomandam!

Simona Mihai, Administrator Villa Hepa

Recomandăm The Markers în calitate de parteneri de încredere ai Sanador: pentru proactivitatea, seriozitatea și promptitudinea cu care tratează fiecare proiect. Lucrăm împreună campanii de promovare prin intermediul Google, campanii care funcționează foarte bine.

Silvia Iordache, Director marketing Sanador

Cand i-am intalnit prima data, am gasit in The Markers o echipa de tineri proactivi si deschisi catre client. Sunt acei oameni care cred ca reprezinta noua generatie de intreprinzatori ce stiu, poate mai bine decat multi altii,sa trateze clientii cu profesionalism si respect. Ei au inteles repede specificul activitatii noastre si au realizat astfel un proiect care s-a finalizat cu succes.

Monica Burculet, Director General Automotive Solutions Plant

Am cunoscut echipa The Markers in februarie 2014 cand a venit sa ne tina un training de vanzari. Ne-au incantat cu profesionalimsul lor, dorinta de implicare si buna dispozitie, ne-au starnit curiozitatea cu lucrurile interesante pe care ni le-au prezentat. In continuare, echipa The Markers s-a implicat in procesul de vanzare pe care l-am pus in practica, sfatuindu-ne punctual asupra fiecarei situatii cu care ne-am confruntat. Cu incredere, am continuat colaborarea si pentru conturarea identitatii companiei, provocare pentru care au venit cu idei creative, foarte bine adaptate profilului companiei noastre.

Narcis Pavalascu, CEO&Owner Pavalascu Risk Consultants

Am cautat o agentie de marketing care sa ne ajute sa scalam business-ul si am gasit, la The Markers, mixul perfect de profesionalism, responsabilitate, eficienta si respect. Probabil sunt destule agentii care aduc rezultate cu campaniile PPC sau cu serviciile SEO, insa aceasta echipa are ceva in plus: o maniera de lucru care ne-a apropiat si ne-a permis sa stam fara griji, fiindca suntem pe maini bune!

Ana-Maria Grintescu, Director Financiar CarsINV