We are All In for the success of your employer branding
This service is dedicated to all the companies which are always looking for new employees and the companies which know that employer branding is an important asset in the effective operation of the company’s activity. Complete online reputation services.
Improving the employer branding visibility of our partners online, where we find potential employees
We always communicate correctly and completely the values, vision, mission and benefits of the collaborating company (online reputation management)
We differentiate the brand from competing employers on the market
We attract the most suitable candidates for the available positions
Site optimisation (SEO) (Online Reputation Management)
Content marketing employer branding
BookLand Romania2024-07-01O echipa de profesionisti de top & oameni inimosi, care ne-au stat alaturi cu sfaturi, recomandari si toata experienta lor. Multumim mult, The Markers! Suntem recunoscatori sa va avem alaturi ca partener al misiunii noastre educationale in scolile din mediul rural. Si bucurosi de colaborare! You’ve left your mark on us ❤Pavel Iachim2024-05-08Serviciile oferite de echipa The Makers sunt de cea mai inalta calitate si solutiile pe care le ofera sunt moderne si actuale, care in final aduc si rezultate bune!Cristina Badescu2023-07-28O echipa tanara, dinamica, entuziasta!Gabriela Munteanu2023-07-27O echipa super profesionista, dinamica, proactiva si prompta. Sunt extrem de rigurosi si disciplinati in executarea solicitarilor si au o atitudine pro client. Sunt parteneri de incredere si Invatam impreuna, noi din tainele si oportunitatile zonei de digital marketing si ei despre particularitatile businessului nostru. Vin cu solutii concrete, in pasi, cu bugete si termene clare. Recomandam cu toata increderea!PCR NORD2023-07-26Felicitari !! In cei aproximativ 5 ani de colaborare, totul ireprosabil! Recomandam cu incredere !!Costin Emanuel2023-07-26Am lucrat site-ul cu ei si totul a fost mai mult decat bine: de la a la z, m-au asistat in toate directiile necesare pentru a putea avea site-ul gata.Padurean Alexandra2023-07-26O echipa super,disponibili pentru orice provocare.Maco Prodimpex S.R.L2023-07-26I-am ales dintre mai multe firme de publicitate online si consider ca decizia de a lucra cu ei a fost una excelenta. Colaboram cu succes de cativa ani, deja.
Here you will find everything you need for successful digital marketing in one place. We always integrate graphic design as well as programming, strategy as well as implementation, communication as well as performance.
We are always easy to find, we always have a smile on our faces, we are open, transparent and, above all, we speak your language. That’s just one more reason to choose The Markers as an online marketing agency
Our project team includes both communication and branding specialists (creatives) as well as marketing performance specialists (technicians) so that we have every ingredient for the best results in online marketing
We always respond to emails, phone calls and we visit you whenever needed.
We always speak our client’s language, we are transparent and open to communication.
We always speak our client’s language, we are transparent and open to communication
All our partners benefit from a free performance audit for their site (Conversion Rate Optimization) that aims at enhancing the user experience and the success rates.
Designed and powered by The Markers – agentie de marketing online full service | © 2024 All rights reserved