Online promotion 4 Ecommerce

Ask now for an online marketing strategy aimed at reaching your business goals

This service will suit you if you have an online store and wish promotion for:

What are the promotion services we integrate in order to have success?

Google Ads

Facebook Ads

Gmail Ads

Youtube Ads

Campanii Display

Campanii SEO


Dynamic Remarketing


Dynamic Search Ads

Mobile Advertising


Conversion Tracking

Google Analytics

Content Writing

Affiliate marketing
Programmatic Marketing
Email Marketing

We offer you a team
made up of:

A strategist and an account manager

An online promotion data analyst

A Google-certified PPC specialist

A content writer and a social media expert

A graphic designer

A programmer

What do our specialists do in order to ensure the success of your online store’s promotion campaigns?

Cateva intrebari despre serviciile si metodele de promovare online pe care le primim frecvent de la proprietarii de magazine online

In functie de nisa magazinului tau online, canalele si metodele de promovare pot varia foarte mult. Astfel, la The Markers plecam intotdeauna de la crearea unei strategii complete care include analiza pietei pe care activezi, a concurentei, a segmentelor de public tinta, a diferentiatorilor si, in functie de toate acestea, cream mixul de marketing care sa aiba cele mai mari sanse de a atinge obiectivele. Fiind o agentie de marketing online full service, includem in mixul de marketing actiuni care pornesc de la campanii Google Ads specifice, content marketing si social media, email marketing si influncer marketing.

Agentiile de marketing full service pun la dispozitia clientilor servicii de promovare atat in canalul organic, cat si paid. Astfel, vei avea acces la:


Pe langa acestea, ca rezultatele sa fie cele mai bune, includem in mixul de marketing si canale de promovare care nu fac parte din reteaua Google, dar unde potentialii tai clienti sunt prezenti:

Tipurile de campanii pe care reteaua Google le pune la dispozitia advertiserilor sunt diverse si alegerea lor face parte din strategia si mixul de marketing creat de catre echipa de strategie. Ele includ, dar nu se limiteaza la:

  • Campaniile de optimizare SEO;
  • Campanii display;
  • Campanii de tip retargeting;
  • Campanii dynamic remarketing;
  • Dynamic Search Ads;
  • Shopping Ads;
  • Gmail Ads;
  • Youtube Ads.
Desi campaniile de promovare online pot fi facute si de catre tine personal sau de catre un freelancer, agentiile full service au departamente specializate pentru fiecare tip de serviciu. Astfel, campaniile vor fi create si optimizate de catre specialisti cu experienta, iar implementarea si monitorizarea se vor face cu cele mai performante instrumente de lucru din domeniu. In acest fel vei putea atinge cel mai bun ROAS pentru afacerea ta, iar tu te vei concetra pe ceea ce iti place sa faci.

Pe langa serviciile standard de promovare ale magazinului tau online, agentiile de top iti pun la dispozitie si servicii de suport care pot creste eficienta actiunilor de marketing si care te scapa de batai de cap, avand un single point of contact. Astfel, poti avea acces la servicii precum:

  • Optimizarea Ratei de Conversie (CRO – Conversion Rate Optimization);
  • Analize de User Experience;
  • Programmatic marketing;
  • Analize tehnice si implementari de programare; 
  • Creatie grafica;
  • Programare si webdesign;
  • Servicii foto-video.
Pana nu avem impreuna o discutie despre obiectivele tale de business, despre situatia actuala a afacerii tale si despre detaliile segmentului de piata in care activezi, nu putem spune care este bugetul necesar unui mix eficient de marketing online pentru magazinul tau. Pana nu facem o cercetare a concurentei si a interesului din piata, tot nu putem sa estimam pretul promovarii online. Pana nu stabilim canalele de comunicare si promovare pe care le vom folosi pentru comunicarea mesajelor tale de brand, tot nu vom sti bugetul. Asadar, contacteaza-ne, hai sa ne intalnim la o cafea sau sa ne vedem online si vom stabili impreuna care este cea mai buna strategie pentru afacerea ta si, totodata, care este bugetul optim pentru atingerea rezultatelor dorite.
Planul de promovare online cuprinde impartirea actiunilor de marketing pe zile, saptamani si luni. De asemenea, bugetul este impartit pe actiuni si pe canale de marketing.

O strategie de promovare online creata, implementata si monitorizata de profesionisti iti poate aduce urmatoarele beneficii: 

  • Cresterea vanzarilor;
  • Eficientizarea costurilor;
  • Optimizarea ratei de conversie;
  • Cresterea valorii cosului de cumparaturi;
  • Fidelizarea clientilor;
  • Un ROAS profitabil pentru afacerea ta.

Here’s why people
work with us

The Markers?

We are All In

Here you will find everything you need for successful digital marketing in one place. We always integrate graphic design as well as programming, strategy as well as implementation, communication as well as performance.

We are approachable

We are always easy to find, we always have a smile on our faces, we are open, transparent and, above all, we speak your language. That’s just one more reason to choose The Markers as an online marketing agency

We complement one another

Our project team includes both communication and branding specialists (creatives) as well as marketing performance specialists (technicians) so that we have every ingredient for the best results in online marketing

The words that describe us
correctly and completely

That assure our clients that we respect our responsibilities and that we always value the best practices
We always come up with new ideas dedicated to our clients' business growth and active actions’ streamlining.
You have access and control over your budget and results, all the time.
You are always informed about the campaigns’ results, about what to expect and what solutions are available for your business.
We inform ourselves daily, we go to trainings and we are present at all the events in the field, so that we can always implement the most efficient and modern marketing actions for our clients.
We are a Google Premier certified agency, IAB Romania partners and this indicates the quality of the services we offer, the professionalism of our certified experts, as well as the experience in the field.
We are focused on implementing result-yielding campaigns and we are always involved in reaching our objectives
We adapt our services for any budget and make budgets more efficient to achieve any realistic goal.
We always come up with solutions to streamline marketing actions and increase the results of our partners.

We always respond to emails, phone calls and we visit you whenever needed. We always speak our client’s language, we are transparent and open to communication.

We always speak our client’s language, we are transparent and open to communication

Are you all in
with us?

Contact us and let us take over your challenge! 

All our partners benefit from a free performance audit for their site (Conversion Rate Optimization) that aims at enhancing the user experience and the success rates.