Advertising on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn

We’re all in it to implement really effective Facebook Ad campaigns

Ask now for an online marketing strategy aimed at reaching your business goals

promovare facebook ads

Why is social media important for a business?

What actions do we implement and optimize on a monthly basis?

Facebook Ads
Instagram Ads
LinkedIn Ads

Facebook marketing editorial plan, which will contain both educational and commercial materials. Thus, we update the Facebook page with organic weekly posts. These include using all types of content - video, images, text, etc.

Remarketing campaigns. Through them, we will display advertising messages to all those who have previously accessed the website and failed to make a conversion (or based on feeds or databases). This way we will increase the success rate.

Sponsored advertising campaigns whose direct objective is the generation of relevant traffic (visitors who are part of the target audience) on the website and its transformation into sales/requests for offers (traffic, get offer, event response, etc.).

Sponsored branding campaigns. Through these we will increase the awareness and visibility of the brand. They aim to increase the number of page fans (Page Likes), increase the interaction of fans with the page (Engagement), educate the target audience.

Creating and promoting contests with the direct aim of increasing the interaction of the page’s fans with the promoted brand, increasing the visibility of the brand.

- Facebook Ad Services
Instagram Ad Services
LinkedIn Ad Services

Our specialists will take care of everything related to:

The numbers that speak volumes about our experience

10 Years
of experience

More than 10 years of experience with national and international campaigns


Peste 245 de clienti in portofoliul nostru din peste 50 de domenii

different fields

Over 50 fields of activity

Cateva intrebari despre promovarea pe Facebook si Instagram pe care le primim frecvent din partea noilor clienti

Facebook Ads este metoda prin care Meta (compania mama a retelei de socializare) pune in legatura membrii platformei sale (useri) cu advertiseri (cei care vor sa isi promoveze mesajele catre membrii comunitatilor Facebook si Instagram).
O campanie de promovare Facebook este o publicitate platita prin intermediul careia mesajele noastre ajung la segmentele de public tinta dorite, la cei care au conturi si utilizeaza retelele de socializare Facebook si Instagram.
Costul de promovare in platformele Facebook si Instagram porneste de la cativa lei pe zi si poate ajunge la zeci de mii de Euro pe zi. Totul depinde de obiectivele urmarite, de concurenta, de specificul business-ului s.a.m.d. In urma analizei afacerii tale, o echipa de specialisti, precum cei de la The Markers, iti va propune cel mai bun plan de campanii si cel mai bun buget pentru a atinge obiectivele de business.
Posibilitatile de promovare prin Facebook si Instagram sunt nenumarate si depind de segmentele de public tinta carora te adresezi, de nisa afacerii tale, de pasul in care se afla potentialul client in asa numitul „customer journey”. Planul de marketing cu activitatile specifice este creat de catre specialistii de marketing online in cadrul realizarii strategiei de marketing, care este un pas decisiv in demararea oricarei campanii.
O agentie de marketing online profesionista iti pune la dispozitie experti pentru fiecare pas al actiunilor de marketing: de la copywriteri pentru crearea textelor la designer grafic pentru vizualuri, de la profesionisti foto-video la strategi si experti certificati care sa poata analiza, monitoriza si optimiza campaniile. Totul aproape non-stop, fara concedii, fara pauze.
Ca in cazul Facebook, costul de promovare in Instagram porneste de la cativa lei pe zi si poate ajunge la zeci de mii de Euro pe zi. Totul depinde de obiectivele urmarite, de concurenta, de specificul business-ului s.a.m.d. In urma analizei afacerii tale, o echipa de specialisti, precum cei de la The Markers, iti va propune cel mai bun plan de campanii si bugetul potrivit pentru a atinge obiectivele urmarite.
Totul pleaca de la obiectivele pe care le tintesti. Atat in Instagram, cat si in Facebook pot fi urmarite obiective precum: cati oameni ajung sa vada mesajele tale, cati interactioneaza cu ele, cati fac cereri de oferta sau cati ajung sa cumpere.
Pentru ca una dintre regulile marketingului spune sa fii prezent cu mesajele tale acolo unde sunt prezenti si potentialii tai cumparatori. Astfel, in Instagram sunt prezenti peste 5 milioane de romani care petrec cel putin 45 de minute pe zi in aceasta platforma. Daca nu esti tu prezent, sigur este concurenta ta.
Este contul din care administrezi pagina de afaceri (nu profilul personal).

The Markers?

We are All In

Here you will find everything you need for successful digital marketing in one place. We always integrate graphic design as well as programming, strategy as well as implementation, communication as well as performance.

We are approachable

We are always easy to find, we always have a smile on our faces, we are open, transparent and, above all, we speak your language. That’s just one more reason to choose The Markers as an online marketing agency

We complement one another

Our project team includes both communication and branding specialists (creatives) as well as marketing performance specialists (technicians) so that we have every ingredient for the best results in online marketing

Here’s why people
work with us

The words that describe us
correctly and completely

That assure our clients that we respect our responsibilities and that we always value the best practices
We always come up with new ideas dedicated to our clients' business growth and active actions’ streamlining.
You have access and control over your budget and results, all the time.
You are always informed about the campaigns’ results, about what to expect and what solutions are available for your business.
We inform ourselves daily, we go to trainings and we are present at all the events in the field, so that we can always implement the most efficient and modern marketing actions for our clients.
We are a Google Premier certified agency, IAB Romania partners and this indicates the quality of the services we offer, the professionalism of our certified experts, as well as the experience in the field.
We are focused on implementing result-yielding campaigns and we are always involved in reaching our objectives
We adapt our services for any budget and make budgets more efficient to achieve any realistic goal.
We always come up with solutions to streamline marketing actions and increase the results of our partners.

We always respond to emails, phone calls and we visit you whenever needed. We always speak our client’s language, we are transparent and open to communication.

We always speak our client’s language, we are transparent and open to communication

Are you all in
with us?

Contact us and let us take over your challenge! 

All our partners benefit from a free performance audit for their site (Conversion Rate Optimization) that aims at enhancing the user experience and the success rates.